Monday, July 16, 2012

Reagan Youth Live & Rare Review

Originally appeared in Married Punks 13, which was published in 1998. Reagan Youth Live & Rare Reagan Youth, in its day, was anti-Nazi and pro-anarchy (the two should always go hand in hand), and that's why it's great that New Red Archives, one of the best punk labels around, has released this. Face it, a lot of today's "popular" punk is sorely lacking in the political department. Live & Rare is exactly what it claims to be. It's live cuts from CBGB's and demo versions of songs. The straightforward punk of "It's a Beautiful Day," "New Aryans," "USA," "Are You Happy?" and "In Dog We Trust" are the epitome of good punk music. Sadly, the singer, Dave Insurgent, never got the recognition he and the band deserved. Dave killed himself after his mother's death, his girlfriend's murder at the hands of serial killer Joel Rifkin, and years of drug abuse. This is a fitting way to remember him.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Pressure Review

Originally published in issue 13 of Married Punks in 1998 The Pressure Is there a bit of Man or Astroman? influence here? Who cares? This spacey, experimental stuff is go in my book. The vocals, what little there is, are similar to the style Doug Evil used in Orgy of One, for all you old-timer completists. On the downside, there's only three songs. I want more! Oh well, maybe next time.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Polar Bear Review

This originally appeared in Married Punks #13, published in 1998.

Polar Bear

Polar Bear is a trio with Thoman Van Wendt, Biff Sanders of Ethyl Meatplow and Eric Avery of Jane's Addiction, which should've broke up after Nothing's Shocking.  That said, I think I can openly admit to finding this band ... interesting.

With a feeling of something almost gothic, this band has put together a slightly unique sound that surprised me.  "Water," the second of five songs, really had some cool samples in it an an excellent groove.

I'm not overly impressed by this band, but I'm not dismissing it either.  That's too premature.  I want to see where it's headed before passing final judgment.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Plantabiss The Color of Foul Thoughts Review

This originally appeared in Married Punks #13, published in 1998.

Plantabiss The Color of Foul Thoughts

At times, this is pure grindcore noise, but then ... it turns and takes on an almost jazz-like feel in tempo.  Yes, Plantabiss has talent, though it won't be apparent from a cursory listen.

Songs like "Flourescent Walls" show a different direction than the usual grind.  It's not screaming vocals and equally screaming guitar.  Instead, it has a subdued techno beat with a singing style that is closer to Frodus than Disrupt.  It's a contender for favorite song status on the CD.

Plantabiss is sure to annoy people, especially those who can't stand anything that deviates from the norm.  It's far from a perfect fusion of grindcore, ambient and techno, but it's damn close.